…is paved with good intentions, or so the saying goes. In the dueling budget debates, it’s quite apropos. Whether you favor the President’s 4 trillion…
It’s not surprising that Republicans and Democrats measure the value of government spending differently. They both have their pet projects, however one would expect that…
Principals are tricky things. You either stand by them or you don’t have them. It seems that in politics the split seems to go about…
The Statue of Liberty is emblazoned with the words, “”Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse…
After 14 Wisconsin state senators hid in Illinois for weeks on end, the Legislature and Governor found a way to push through the law to…
Cowardice seems to be plentiful these days. Somehow members of Congress believe that it’s much easier to kick the ball down the road than to…
How important is budget cutting to you? Do you believe that when the federal government fails to grow that constitutes a cut? The Democrats claim…
Today the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a scathing report on government waste and inefficiencies. Just a few of the issues included in this 345…