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Obama tries to distract from his dishonesty

With his poll numbers dropping almost as fast as his credibility, President Obama has decided it is once again time to pivot his focus away from the disastrous ObamaCare rollout and towards an even more dismal economic recovery. For the 21st time in just five years (which averages out to once every three months, the last time being less than two months ago), the White House announced Thursday that “President Barack Obama will try to shift the national conversation to economic growth.” In Mr. Obama’s mind that means government growth.

President Obama is probably under the impression that a pivot is possible now that he has sort-of apologized to millions of Americans he lied to, on at least three dozen occasions, about being able to keep their insurance.

President Obama in a speech Thursday called for more government spending:

obama_laughing_rectangle-8x6.jpgThe president delivered the left-wing vision that the United States should be spending more on its roads, bridges and ports as a way to expand jobs and strengthen U.S. firms through increased trade.

Apparently, one talking point President Obama expected to use against the GOP is now dead in the water:

His remarks came on the day the government released a jobs report for October, which analysts believed would show that U.S. employers added a meager 125,000 positions in the month; insufficient to keep up with growth in the job force.

The White House claimed that the number was likely half as much as employers would have added if not for the 16-day government shutdown in October; yet that argument is laughable since the shutdown only modestly affected non-government hiring.

The talking point soured quickly when 204,000 jobs were actually reported; still not a good enough number to keep the unemployment rate moving in the right direction and it ticked up one-tenth of a percent higher.  Another attempt for President Obama’s White House and mainstream media to blame the GOP for weak job growth that fell flat.


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