In a rare moment of bi-partisanship last year, the Congress enacted reform of the fees banks charge or threaten to charge, on debit card transactions. …
Cowardice seems to be plentiful these days. Somehow members of Congress believe that it’s much easier to kick the ball down the road than to…
How much must gasoline prices rise before it becomes intolerable for Americans? Is it $5.00/gallon? Perhaps $6.00/gallon would put you over the edge? Could you…
There’s a lot of hubbub going on in Wisconsin after the state senate and today, the state assembly, passed a law restricting public union collective…
There are no absolutes in life. Saying that every person at National Public Radio (NPR) is a liberal or a shill for the Democratic Party…
Remember when Nancy Pelosi told Americans that we needed to pass the Health Care Law so we could find out what’s in it? She wasn’t…
More than 30 oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico have been investigated and found to be in compliance with federal regulations on safety. However…
If you’ve been living under a rock, you may not have heard of the Westboro Baptist Church. The parishioners of this church have taken it…
How important is budget cutting to you? Do you believe that when the federal government fails to grow that constitutes a cut? The Democrats claim…
Have you wondered how 14 state senators in Wisconsin can go into hiding in the middle of a legislative session? Could it happen where you…