Life would be much easier if we always had stark comparisons. Perhaps we do this fall, though at times it seems a tad muddy. Wouldn’t it…
The MSNBC Wasteland The day before Memorial Day, MSNBC host Chris Hayes commented that he wasn’t comfortable with the use of the term “heroes” to describe fallen…
Obama Would Prefer Public Equity to Private Equity It’s readily apparent from President Obama’s campaign rhetoric that he knows less about running a business than…
While the U.S. races towards another debt ceiling crisis, millions remain unemployed and the economy remains stagnant, what do you think your lawmakers are up…
Do We Need Coal? In the 1950s newspapers were brimming with stories on “Black Lung” or Coalworker’s pneumoconiosis, a chronic lung condition that ranged from a…
Father’s Day is for Fathers While this article isn’t purely political commentary, it is politically motivated. Personal responsibility is becoming all too rare these days.…
The Key to the Oval Office is…Money Ka-ching. No that isn’t only the sound of the Facebook IPO (Initial Public Offering) scheduled for tomorrow morning; it’s also…
With the government driving the country past the $15.6 trillion dollar debt mark, the obvious question is whether our leaders have the wherewithal to make…
When Jerry (Edmund) Brown took over as Governor of California last year he was taking the reigns of a state in near-bankruptcy, spent into oblivion…
If you believe the unemployment rate is actually approaching the eight percent claimed in recent Bureau of Labor Statistics reports then you’ve bought into one…