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Why Gun Safes Are a Must for Passionate Shooters

Owning any type of gun comes with the responsibility of proper storage and safe handling. This means that passionate hunters and marksmen should really look into purchasing gun safes, to ensure their weapons are taken care of when they’re not on their person.

Here is a breakdown on the most important reasons passionate shooters need to invest in gun safes:

1. Safe Storage

Gun safes, both wall-mounted and standing, are the safest possible place for weapon storage. They are not only specifically designed to keep your weapons in the best shape, but they also prevent unauthorized access.

Most gun safes are specious enough for you to store any gun-related equipment, such as bullets, permits and shoulder straps that are designed specifically for concealed carry. Some gun owners keep other valuable items in them as well, as they are a theft deterrent due to their size and weight. A thief cannot carry them out easily and cannot open them on the spot – which makes them the perfect place for safekeeping.

2. Adhering to Child Access Prevention Laws

If there is one thing everyone can agree on it’s that children should not have unsupervised access to any type of firearm. There are laws in place to ensure that gun owners are keeping their weapons safely away from children, and investing in a gun safe helps comply with them.

Gun safes are not easy to open or break into, thanks to combination locks technology. It doesn’t matter if your gun safe comes with an electronic or mechanical lock – no child will be able to get in it and accidents will be prevented.

3. Adhering to Locking Device Laws

Some states have laws that require that all guns on your property need to be locked up, with no regard towards if children are present or not. Always check your local laws regarding gun storage, just to be on the safe side.

4. Fireproof Storage

In addition to presenting a safe storage space, gun safes are made of fireproof material and will keep all stored valuables flame-free in case a fire breaks out. Safe manufacturers usually include the temperature which a specific gun safe can handle in their product features.

Knowing this, it’s not hard to see why people choose to store more than guns and connected equipment in the safes.

5. Insurance Requirements

Insurance companies have coverage limits when it comes to firearms and some policies require your guns to be appraised prior to coverage.

If you’re passionate about shooting, chances are you have more than one gun. With the increased value of your gun collection come new insurance company requirements and your insurance company may start requiring you to keep your guns in a certified safe, sometimes with an alarm as well.

The good news is that insurance discounts are available for taking security measures such as purchasing a fire-rated safe. It varies from company to company, but be sure to check with your insurance agent to see if you’re eligible for a discount. If you are, a good gun safe will save you money spent on insurance premiums in the long haul.

6. Lawyer Protection

In the event of your gun collection being stolen despite all efforts to prevent it, owning a gun safe will both help your insurance claim and prevent you from having to face legal action of your own.

To put it simply, you need to be able to prove that you have taken all necessary and available measures to safely and securely store your weapons. Proving that you did your due diligence spares you from responsibility in case your stolen weapon is used in a crime.

To Sum Up

It doesn’t matter if you are an ardent collector or a casual hunter, you have invested in your guns and it would be a shame for them to be damaged in any way. They are precious and expensive, and should be cared for properly.

This is why gun safes provide the perfect answer, fulfilling safe storage, fire safety and theft prevention requirements. Keeping your guns, bullets, scopes and other equipment safely locked up will give you peace of mind at all times and that’s a good enough reason to start looking into acquiring a gun safe for your collection.

1 Comment

  1. mayur

    he”s flat out lying. i”ve had to show my license for every purchase i”ve made. and i am friends of the family running the business. when he stood up in parliament and said the regulations allowed a gun owner to freely transport a handgun anywhere he flat out lied. a gun owner needs a permit called an ATT to transport a restricted firearm, to the range, a gun smith, a gun show, or the border. it was a paper document, which bill c-42 changed to electronic, as part of the license. nothing else about it changed. but trudeau claimed it was eliminated and allowed handguns to be taken anywhere and they”d be in parking lots of canadian tire and hockey rinks. absolute lies. so the new bill only allows the ATT to be good for the range. taking a gun anywhere else that was allowed under the old system requires another permit. every time the gun moves. for someone to take their gun to the gun smith for repair, where they would have to have the gun locked, in a locked case, unloaded, they now are now required to call in for permission, whereas before it was included in permissions. to make matters worse, since restricted firearms can only be used at the range, and taken to specific locations other than the range (by law), why do we need a permit allowing a firearm to be taken to the only places it can be taken? you have permission to have permission to move your legally owned property.

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