If you haven’t heard renowned Johns Hopkins pediatric neurosurgeon, Dr. Benjamin Carson, speak you’ve missed the thoughtful words of a brilliant man. Many people have…
Republican governors are beginning to cave on the implementation of expanded Medicaid eligibility and some of the names are quite disappointing. The first governor to…
Political junkies, such this author, didn’t hear anything from President Obama in his second inaugural address that we couldn’t have scripted ourselves; but nonetheless there…
Be honest. When you were a kid did you ever make a gun gesture with your thumb and index finger? You know, like playing cops…
In the wake of the Connecticut shootings Democratic lawmakers are doing what they always do following a tragedy involving a firearm: demanding increased gun restrictions…
Charlie Crist, the former Republican governor of Florida, is now a Democrat; does anyone really care? Crist broadcast on Twitter Friday that he was once…
Mayor Menino Welcomes You To Boston Freedom of speech and freedom of religion were of such import to the founders of the United States that…
Romney Needs To Get A Backbone The Obama campaign has been in full attack mode these past few weeks insisting Mitt Romney release tax returns…
There’s simply nothing in the political realm more entertaining than the tried-and-true double-standard. Remember when you were a kid and you got slammed with the…