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Rand Paul is a force to be reckoned with

Rand Paul gets far too little credit for his sense of humor; but probably even more notably is that many don’t recognize the clarity and truth buried behind those funny stories he tells about how government functions.

Earlier this month Kentucky Senator Rand Paul gave the keynote speech to the Iowa Republican Party’s Lincoln Dinner. An overwhelmingly well-received speech, it had the crowd in stitches as he ran from ridiculing foolishness in ObamaCare to taxpayer money spent on idiotic studies of things such as robotic squirrels.

The video of Rand Paul’s keynote speaks for itself, but there are some notable moments from the speech worth recognizing:

“I’m a physician, and when you come in to see me, I put down a little diagnostic code, and there were 18,000 of these, but under Obamacare they’re going to keep you healthier, because now there’s going to be 140,000 codes. Included among these codes will be 312 new codes for injuries from animals, 72 new codes for injuries just from birds, nine new codes from injuries from the macaw. The macaw? I’ve asked physicians all over the country, ‘Have you ever seen an injury from a macaw?’” Rand Paul posed to an amused crowd.

While some might like to believe that Rand Paul made up this story just to get a laugh, but he didn’t; this is just one small example of the irrational things government does when it intrudes into our lives.

Rand Paul

Rand Paul continued to entertain the crowd with senseless details from Obamacare, “There are two new injury codes under Obamacare from injuries sustained from a turtle. You might say turtles can be dangerous, but why do you have to have two codes where your doctor needs to inform the government whether you’ve been struck by a turtle or bitten by a turtle? There is a new code for walking into a lamppost; there’s also a code for walking into a lamppost – subsequent encounter. I guess that’s if you don’t learn. There is a code for injuries sustained from burning water skis. Your government’s just trying to take care of you.”

Paul went on to discuss the idiocy of a government that chose to shut down $74,000 White House tours the same week it sent $250 million to Egypt.

While many believe that Rand Paul is a bit of a long-shot in the 2016 presidential sweepstakes, tagging along behind Sen. Marco Rubio, but it would be foolish to ignore Paul’s strengths. Rand Paul connects with people far better than Rubio and his plan-spoken mannerisms in many ways are far less in-your-face than Rubio’s.

The media elite have long underestimated Rand Paul. Perhaps they’ll become a little wiser and keep an eye on this man that appears has a strong future ahead of him.


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