What was President Obama thinking when he uttered the words that will likely to dog him for the rest of the campaign, “You didn’t build…
Father’s Day is for Fathers While this article isn’t purely political commentary, it is politically motivated. Personal responsibility is becoming all too rare these days.…
Why are so many in Hollywood devout Liberals? It’s an interesting question. Success, in itself, cannot be a reason for such a large percent of…
Because many wealthy Liberals are losing sleep at night, feeling they are not paying their fair share of taxes, they lump all successful people into…
If you’re over the age of 40 you can remember a time when gays, then known as homosexuals, were suspected but they kept their sexual…
When Carter was President, we watched as the Shah Of Iran fell and a theocracy came to power. The conditions in Iran at that time…
Chuck Schumer, the senior Senator from New York is one of the most entertaining men in Washington. If there ever was a poster boy for…