The Obama administration’s lead-from-behind strategy doesn’t work. Even if you think there’s some validity to the strategy, you’d have to acknowledge that it could only…
President Obama does not like leaks and he doesn’t like scandals either given the recent epidemic. We should not be shocked either that the Obama…
Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky feels very passionate about preventing the trial, conviction and execution of Americans on U.S. soil via drone attack; so passionate…
The GOP was in an uproar when four State Department officials “took one for the team” by resigning in the wake of a report about…
Washington is not a place for the morally robust. Good people come to the nation’s capital and whether its power, money or the glare of…
Conservatives across America are angry, very angry. In Tuesday night’s debate the president claimed he had labeled the killing of our ambassador in Libya an…
Staff Reductions in Libya Security Teams Lt. Col. Andy Wood, former head of the security team in Libya told CBS News this week that in…
How is it that the United States Ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice, blames the attacks on the U.S. Consulate in Libya and the murder…